Automated Workflow for School District Administration

How can workflow automation help school districts improve administrative processes?

For school districts, accuracy and accountability are critical when managing administrative processes. Every day, districts deal with a tremendous amount of paperwork, rules, and regulations. Using paper forms and manual processes like email not only slows down critical processes but make it much more difficult to:

  • Maintain standards and internal audit controls
  • Efficiently comply with regulations
  • Effectively manage project/maintenance
  • Manage the vendor selection/approval process
  • Manage requests from teachers, students, parents, staff, advocates, and the community
  • Track process progress
  • Track and summarize requests that needed to route through multiple departments before approval
  • Eliminate redundancies and consolidate internal services
  • Standardize staff hiring and onboarding

By automating the workflow around things like staff hiring, funding proposals, vendor management, capital expenditure requests, maintenance and operational requests, etc. manual processes disappear, leading to dramatic efficiency in districts and schools.

Integrify is Highly Customizable and System Agnostic

Every educational institution maintains a portfolio of applications that help get things done: Accounting, CRM, MRM, ERP, etc. Each of these enterprise applications does what it does extremely well. However, there is always work that needs to get done across multiple departments and/or systems. There are internal processes that are platform agnostic and, instead, look at the organization itself as the platform.

Implementing a workflow automation system that can talk to these existing applications and pass information between them ensures that processes aren't stymied by chokepoints between systems. Integrify can be the "glue" that holds your disparate systems together.

improve workflow

Workflow Examples

What can educational institutions automate with Integrify? Here is a small list of examples:

  • Grant proposal processes
  • Project/maintenance requests
  • Payment/Financial disbursement requests
  • Travel requests
  • Access requests
  • Incident reporting
  • Transcript requests
  • Childcare requests
  • Transfer requests
  • Curriculum approvals
  • Budget request approvals
  • Staff and faculty onboarding
  • Vendor approvals
  • Public records requests
  • Student evaluation requests

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See Integrify in Action!

Integrify's workflow software can help improve and streamline your district's workflow.

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Customer Quote

“Integrify lets us create automated workflows that work exactly the way we want them to.”

– Susan Beltz, CIO at Oakland Unified School District (Full Case Study)